Does Harmony Law advise and represent companies in federal investigations and enforcement actions?

Yes, Harmony Law can assist you or your company with a federal investigation or enforcement action. Harmony Law is experienced in the areas of law that are the subject of investigations by the Federal Trade Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Does Harmony Law advise and represent companies in Attorney General investigations and enforcement actions?

Yes, Harmony Law can advise and represent you or your company in an investigation or enforcement action conducted by an attorney general’s office. Harmony Law has deep knowledge and experience with these types of matters. Harmony Law’s experience with administrative law is also an asset in other types of state government investigations. Please feel free to inquire if you have need.

Does Harmony Law advise companies on avoiding government investigations and enforcement actions?

Yes. Harmony Law’s knowledge of government enforcement goals, and government investigatory techniques can help you steer your company clear of government investigations. Harmony law can help your company at any juncture of its involvement with government.