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What happens during investigative interviews in Colorado?

Like the Wyoming Attorney General’s Office, the Colorado Attorney General’s Office conducts formal interviews in its investigations under the Consumer Protection Act. What happens during these interviews?

The interviews may be held in various places around the state. However, a convenient location is the Office conference rooms in the Ralph L. Carr Judicial Building, 1300 Broadway in Denver.  The Office takes up several floors in that building. It is a good central location for most parties and their counsel.

Unlike Wyoming’s stacking technique, Colorado does not set many interviews for the same day. Often it is just one or two witnesses that are being interviewed in the same case.

A court reporter is present and records every interview. Also present is an attorney from the Office. Occasionally there will be a staff person. The company representative and the company attorney are also present.

The Office conducts the interviews in manner that is very similar to a deposition in a civil action. The Office will sometimes have document exhibits to review the witness during the interview.  These become part of the record.

At the end of the interview the company representative and company attorney may leave immediately. Depending upon the posture of the investigation, they may also have an opportunity to take a moment to discuss possible resolution of the issues with the interviewing attorney.

If you or your company have been served with a subpoena to appear for an interview, contact Harmony Law immediately. Harmony Law can aggressively defend your company if it is targeted in a government investigation.