The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued new rules that limit how Internet Service Providers (ISPs) use and sell customer data. The FCC’s new rules recognize the fact that ISPs are increasingly looking to use and share their customers’ personal information for targeted advertising. The rules are based on the premise that customers have a right to control their personal information.
Under the new rules, ISPs will have to obtain “opt-in” consent from customers to use sensitive personal information. Sensitive personal information includes: (a) geo-location data; (b) children’s information; (c) health and medical information; (d) financial information; (e) social security numbers; (f) web browsing history; and (g) the content of communications.
Additionally, ISPs will have to provide an “opt-out” option for the use and sharing of non-sensitive information.
It is worthy to mention here that the FCC’s new rules do not regulate the information that other web services gather, such as Google and Facebook.